Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!!
Today we celebrate our 1 year anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been a year already, but at the same time I find myself wondering how it's only a year. We've learned A LOT this year, and we've met a lot of wonderful, fabulous people that we didn't know a year ago.
We've had so many people come into our store, and I hope, walk out having had a great time and taking home some great food. Now we just need to figure out how to get everyone to come back every month, or even every other month! So this is where you come in. We want to hear from you!! What are we doing right? And what are we doing wrong? How can we help you more? What could we improve? We believe there are many of you out there who plan on coming in, but for some reason or another don't. So we want to know.

We want to say THANK YOU! to everyone who has come in, made meals with us, supported us and encouraged us. We could not have done it without you. And THANK YOU to all of our fabulous and dedicated employees. We are so blessed to have such a great team.

For all you Dr. Phil watchers out there - Dream Dinners will be participating in the Tuesday, Dec. 16 show. So watch, or set your DVRs, and then let us know what you think!


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